toward or at the back of something or someone
後ろに, 背後に
in a lower level, position, or place
下, 下に
directly below something
下で, 下に
directly below something, particularly when concealed by the thing on top
下に, 下側
in or to a lower position
下に, 下部に
in, at, or to a higher position
上に, 上方に
to or at the side that is further
超えて, その先に
in or to the direction behind us
後ろに, 戻って
in a position that is in contact with a surface or object
from one side to the other side of something
横断して, 反対側へ
from one side of something to the other
通り過ぎて, 横を通って
at or toward the front part of something or someone
前に, 正面に
in or traveling to a different country
海外で, 海外へ
to or in a foreign country, particularly one that is across the sea
海外で, 海を越えて
in a downward direction, typically toward the lower point of a hill
下り, 坂を下って
in the sky above
頭上に, 空に
in a way that is easily understood or audible
明確に, はっきりと
in a way that is facing toward or away from something
対向して, 向かい
away from the correct path, direction, or course
迷った, 道に迷って
in a position that is located at the front or ahead of something else
前面で, 前方で