in a noticeable way
目に見えて, 明らかに
in a way that is not seen
見えないように, 目に見えない形で
in a vivid, lively, or vibrant manner
カラフルに, 鮮やかに
in a manner that is easily noticeable
目立って, 際立って
with a high volume or intensity
大声で, loudly
in a way that produces much noise
大声で, 音が大きく
in a voice that can be heard clearly
声に出して, 大きな声で
in way that is easily heard by everyone
大声で, はっきりと
in a way that makes too much sound or disturbance
騒がしく, 音を立てて
in a way that is loud enough to be heard
聞こえるように, 明瞭に
without making any sound or noise
静かに, 音を立てずに
in a way that produces little or no noise
静かに, 穏やかに
in a way that is capable of being touched or easily understood
具体的に, 触れられる形で
in a way that is capable of being touched, felt, or perceived physically
明白に, 触れられるように
in a way that is highly pleasing and enjoyable to the taste
おいしく, 美味しく