a winter game where players slide round flat stones across the ice in order to hit a certain mark

カーリング, カーリング競技

a game played on a field with two teams, each consisting of ten players using long-handled sticks with a net to throw, carry, and catch the ball

ラクロス, ラクロスのゲーム

a high-intensity fitness program that combines various exercises like weightlifting, cardio, and gymnastics

クロスフィット, クロスフィットプログラム

a team sport played indoors with plastic sticks and a lightweight ball, resembling indoor hockey

フロアボール, インドアホッケー

an outdoor game played with a tall pole and a ball attached to a rope, where players hit the ball in opposite directions to wrap the rope around the pole in their favor

テザーボール, ボールゲーム

a person who holds a title or championship in a particular activity or sport

タイトル保持者, チャンピオン

a person or team trying to win something in a contest, especially one with a strong chance of winning

挑戦者, 競技者

the final match to determine the winning team or player when they have the same score

プレーオフ, 決定戦

an exciting or dramatic conclusion to a sporting event, often with a close or unexpected outcome

盛大なフィニッシュ, 感動的な結末

the palyer that is judged to be the most significant or useful in the team

最優秀選手, 最も価値のある選手

a set of championships or matches happening in a particular sport including tennis, golf, or rugby that are of great significance

グランドスラム, 大スラム

a weight between lightweight and middleweight in boxing and other sports, usually between 63 and 67 kilograms

ウェルター級, ウェルター体重

a field painted with parallel lines in which American football is played

アメリカンフットボールのフィールド, グリッドアイアン

a flag representing a sports championship or other achievement, especially in American baseball leagues

ペナント, ペナント

a powerful hockey shot using a swinging motion to strike the puck with force and speed

スラップショット, 強打

a powerful shot with great force and speed, often seen in games like tennis or badminton

スマッシュ, 強力なショット

(golf) a score of one stroke less than the par value for a hole, typically achieved by sinking the ball into the hole with one fewer stroke than the expected number

バーディ, パーより1打少ない

a softly hit shot in sports like tennis or badminton, aimed to land just over the net and close to the opponent's side

ドロップショット, ソフトショット

(tennis) the failure of a player to successfully serve the ball into the opponent's court twice in a row, resulting in the loss of a point


a race in which people or animals, typically horses, have to jump over fences, ditches, bushes, etc. in order to finish the race

障害レース, スティープルチェース