
Listă de Cuvinte Nivel C2 - Sport

Aici veți învăța toate cuvintele esențiale pentru a vorbi despre Sport, colectate special pentru cursanții de nivelul C2.




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CEFR C2 Vocabulary

a winter game where players slide round flat stones across the ice in order to hit a certain mark

hochei pe gheață cu pietre

hochei pe gheață cu pietre

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a game played on a field with two teams, each consisting of ten players using long-handled sticks with a net to throw, carry, and catch the ball



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a high-intensity fitness program that combines various exercises like weightlifting, cardio, and gymnastics



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a team sport played indoors with plastic sticks and a lightweight ball, resembling indoor hockey

minge de sol

minge de sol

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an outdoor game played with a tall pole and a ball attached to a rope, where players hit the ball in opposite directions to wrap the rope around the pole in their favor

joc tetherball

joc tetherball

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a strong and highly ranked player in a sports tournamnet

jucător foarte clasat într-un turneu sportiv

jucător foarte clasat într-un turneu sportiv

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a competition consisting of ten different sports that takes place over two days

decatlon (concurs atletic)

decatlon (concurs atletic)

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a person who holds a title or championship in a particular activity or sport

campion (la sport)

campion (la sport)

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a person that one plays against in a competition



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a person in their first year of professional competition or activity

atlet profesionist în primul sezon

atlet profesionist în primul sezon

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the final match to determine the winning team or player when they have the same score

competiție finală (în campionat)

competiție finală (în campionat)

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grandstand finish

an exciting or dramatic conclusion to a sporting event, often with a close or unexpected outcome

sfârșit interesant al unui eveniment sportiv

sfârșit interesant al unui eveniment sportiv

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most valuable player

the palyer that is judged to be the most significant or useful in the team

cel mai valoros jucător

cel mai valoros jucător

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grand slam

a set of championships or matches happening in a particular sport including tennis, golf, or rugby that are of great significance

Grand Slam (competiții)

Grand Slam (competiții)

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Grand Prix

one of a series of international motorcycle or car racing competitions

Grand Prix (tip de eveniment de curse)

Grand Prix (tip de eveniment de curse)

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a weight between lightweight and middleweight in boxing and other sports, usually between 60 and 67 kilograms

ușor (între 67 și 67)

ușor (între 67 și 67)

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a field painted with parallel lines in which American football is played

Teren de joc de fotbal american

Teren de joc de fotbal american

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a flag representing a sports championship or other achievement, especially in American baseball leagues

steag triunghiular (în sport)

steag triunghiular (în sport)

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the act of descending a cliff using rope that is coiled around the body



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a powerful hockey shot using a swinging motion to strike the puck with force and speed

lovitură grea și puternică în hochei pe gheață

lovitură grea și puternică în hochei pe gheață

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a powerful shot with great force and speed, often seen in games like tennis or badminton

lovitură grea și rapidă în tenis

lovitură grea și rapidă în tenis

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(golf) a score of one stroke less than the par value for a hole, typically achieved by sinking the ball into the hole with one fewer stroke than the expected number

tip de scor în golf

tip de scor în golf

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drop shot

a softly hit shot in sports like tennis or badminton, aimed to land just over the net and close to the opponent's side

o grevă în tenis la care este foarte greu de reacţionat

o grevă în tenis la care este foarte greu de reacţionat

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double fault

(tennis) the failure of a player to successfully serve the ball into the opponent's court twice in a row, resulting in the loss of a point

(tenis) când jucătorul face greșit două servicii consecutive

(tenis) când jucătorul face greșit două servicii consecutive

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an act of dropping or failing to catch the ball properly

când nu reușiți să prindeți sau să loviți mingea (în sport)

când nu reușiți să prindeți sau să loviți mingea (în sport)

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a race in which people or animals, typically horses, have to jump over fences, ditches, bushes, etc. in order to finish the race

cursa cu obstacole

cursa cu obstacole

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a sporting event consisting of a series of races between rowboats or sailing boats

curse cu barca

curse cu barca

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to dope

to induce an animal or person with drugs in order to affect their performance in a competition

luarea de droguri pentru a-și îmbunătăți performanța atletică

luarea de droguri pentru a-și îmbunătăți performanța atletică

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