a percussion instrument originally from Trinidad and Tobago that consists of a concave metal oil container which is beaten in differnet places to produce various notes

スチールドラム, 金属製のドラム

a musical instrument consisting of a hollow, round frame with plastic or skin stretched tightly across one or both ends, played by hitting it with sticks or hands


a percussion instrument made of a row of metal bars of various sizes mounted on a frame and hit by a pair of small hammers

グロッケンシュピール, カリヨン

a percussion instrument with a set of wooden bars in different lengths mounted on a frame, played with a yarn or mallets


a small drum with two heads and snares stretched across the bottom head, producing a sharp, rattling sound when struck

スネアドラム, 小型ドラム

a metal cup-shaped object with a separate piece of metal hanging inside that makes a ringing noise when it moves

ベル, 鐘

a large, flat metal percussion instrument, typically circular in shape, suspended vertically and struck with a mallet to produce a resonant, reverberating sound

ゴング, 金属のゴング

a percussion instrument in the form of a round metal plate that is played either by hitting a pair together or hitting one with a drumstick


a large percussion instrument played by striking a drumhead stretched over a hollow shell, producing deep, low-pitched tones

バスドラ, 大太鼓

a pair of small, tuned drums, typically of different sizes, joined together and played with the hands

ボンゴ, ボンゴドラム

a small drum used in the past with a calfskin membrane, typically played by one hand

タボール, 小さなドラム

a percussion instrument with a round wooden frame, metal discs around its edge and a plastic or skin membrane, played with one hand

タンバリン, 手持ちの打楽器

a percussion instrument which is basically a steel rod formed into an open triangle, producing sound when hit by a metal bar

三角形, 打楽器の三角形

a melodic and percussive instrument invented in Trinidad and Tobago, made from oil barrels and commonly used in Caribbean and calypso music

スティールパン, スチールパン

a modern, handcrafted percussion instrument known for its unique UFO-shaped design, with melodic and rhythmic properties

ハンドパン, ハングドラム

a pair of small, hand-played drums from India and Pakistan that are used in classical, devotional, and popular music styles

タブラ, タブラドラム

a percussion instrument consisted of a row of suspended metal tubes that produce a sound similar to that of a bell when hit by a bar

チューブラーベル, チューブベル

a percussion instrument that produces a sharp sound when two solid objects are struck together

クラッパー, 拍手音

a percussion instrument that produces sound when shaken, typically consisting of a container filled with small objects or beads

ラトル, 振り子

a cylindrical percussion instrument from India, typically used in the state of Kerala's traditional temple music

チェンダ, 円筒形の打楽器

a double-headed hand drum widely used in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, typically played with both hands and used in various genres of music

ドーラク, 両頭ドラム

a traditional clay pot percussion instrument from South India, known for its unique shape, resonant sound, and intricate playing techniques

ガタム, 南インドの伝統的な土器の打楽器

(plural) percussion instruments consisting of a pair of small shells made of wood, ivory or plastic that are fastened to the thumb and clicked together using the fingers

カスタネット, 打楽器

a small musical instrument consisting of a flexible metal or bamboo tongue attached to a frame, which is placed in the performer's mouth and plucked to produce a twanging sound

口琴, ジュウズハープ

a double-headed barrel-shaped drum from northern India used in traditional classical music and devotional music, particularly in the genres of dhrupad and kirtan

パカバジ, 二頭のパカバジ

a traditional double-headed drum from South India, known for its rhythmic versatility, intricate playing techniques


a Middle Eastern frame drum with a circular frame and a thin, stretched membrane, known for its rhythmic sound, used in Middle Eastern and Persian music

ダフ, ダフドラム

a musical instrument of Australian origin consisting of a fiberboard, which the performer holds in both hands and flexes to make low sounds

ワブルボード, 揺れボード

a percussion instrument consisting of a row of wooden bars in different lengths set on a frame, played by a wooden or plastic mallet


a single-barreled drum that is tall and narrow and is beaten by hands, from Cuban origin

コンガ, コンガドラム

a percussion instrument consisting of small brass or bronze disks, or cymbals, hit with hard mallets each producing a different note

クロタル, シンバル

a set of tuned bells in a bell tower or belfry, known for its melodic and harmonic sound, used for playing complex compositions and melodies


a Latin and African musical instrument consisting of one or multiple bells that are played by hitting them with a wooden piece

アゴゴ, アゴゴ楽器

a large xylophone that is used in Western African music and uses hollow gourds as resonators

バラフォン, バラフォン楽器

a metal-bar percussion instrument played with a keyboard, producing bright bell-like tones

キーボードグロッケンシュピール, グロッケンシュピールキーボード

a percussion instrument with metal or bamboo strips that produce sound when plucked

ラメロフォン, 金属条楽器