not capable of being matched in quality, value, or degree with something else
비교할 수 없는, 경이로운
(of two or more things) not able to exist or work together harmoniously due to fundamental differences or contradictions
호환되지 않는, 비호환의
not suitable or effective in satisfying the needs of a particular intended function or objective
무능력한, 비효율적인
highly challenging for someone to understand, such as a concept, language, or situation
이해할 수 없는, 이해하기 어려운
(of a substance) maintaining its volume or density even under external forces
having an unpleasant and sharp smell or taste, especially causing a burning sensation
자극적인, 쓰린
beyond doubt or questioning, often due to its obviousness or undeniable nature
의심の 여지가 없는, 확실한
to formally put someone in a position or job, especially with an official ceremony
취임시키다, 설치하다
a person who is formally accepted into a particular group, society, or organization
신규 회원, 가입자
the state of being threatened by or exposed to a significant negative occurrence
위험, 위협
to say bad and untrue things about someone, typically to damage their reputation
중상하다, 비방하다
an individual who feigns incompetence or illness just so they would not have to do something
병역 면탈자, 허세 부리는 사람