사회적 상호작용 - Revenge
"복수는 차갑게 먹는 것이 가장 좋은 요리이다", "피에는 피가 있을 것이다"와 같은 복수에 관한 영어 속담을 마스터하세요.
used to suggest that it is more effective to wait and plan carefully before seeking revenge, rather than acting impulsively or emotionally
used to imply that seeking revenge or retribution for a wrongdoing only leads to a never-ending cycle of retaliation and violence, ultimately causing harm to everyone involved
used to caution against violent or vengeful actions, as it suggests that such actions can lead to a cycle of violence and revenge that is difficult to break
used to imply that the most effective way to retaliate against someone who has wronged one is to let go of the anger and move on with one's life, rather than seeking revenge or holding a grudge
used to imply that it is not justifiable to respond to a bad act with another bad act, and that two wrongs do not make a right
used to imply that responding to a wrong or injustice with another wrong or injustice does not make the situation better or right
used to imply that in response to being wronged, one should seek justice or revenge in a calm and calculated manner, rather than reacting with anger or frustration
used to suggest that it is acceptable to retaliate against someone who has wronged you in the same manner