이러한 형용사를 사용하면 물체, 표면, 환경 또는 개인 위생과 관련된 청결함이나 더러운 정도를 표현할 수 있습니다.
not having any bacteria, marks, or dirt
carefully arranged and in order
having a clean and well-organized appearance and state
perfectly clean or spotless, devoid of any dirt, marks, or impurities
free from any marks, flaws, or imperfections
free from any stain or dirt
completely free from germs or microorganisms
completely clean and free from any marks, stains, or blemishes
arranged in a neat and systematic manner
having stains, bacteria, marks, or dirt
covered in a fine layer of dirt or particles
very dirty, especially because of being covered with dirt, dust, or harmful substances
lacking orderliness or cleanliness
filled with a disorganized mix of items, making a space appear crowded and untidy
containing harmful or dirty substances
marked or discolored by a substance that is difficult to remove
made impure or polluted by harmful substances, bacteria, or viruses
made dirty or stained with material such as dirt, grime, or other substances
covered with a thick layer of dirt
resistant to staining, rusting, or corrosion
having a messy and disorganized appearance or structure