이러한 형용사는 무언가가 움직이거나 작동하는 속도나 속도를 설명하며 "빠른", "빠른", "빠른", "느린" 등과 같은 속성을 전달합니다.
moving, happening, or being done at a speed that is low
taking a short time to move, happen, or be done
having a high speed when doing something, especially moving
occurring or moving with great speed
moving or happening quickly
having a speed greater than that of sound
able to move quickly and easily
quick and light in movement or action
(of a person) ready and willing to act quickly
moving or progressing at a faster rate than usual
quick and energetic in movement or action
done quickly or without careful consideration
moving in a high speed
done very quickly without wasting time or resources
moving or functioning very fast
moving with speed or energy
moving or happening at an extremely dangerous or fast speed
moving, responding, or functioning at a slow pace
in an unrushed, relaxed manner
moving or progressing slowly and with great effort
done with speed or efficiency
moving or progressing very slowly