사건의 진행 동사 - 반복을 위한 동사
여기서는 "reuse", "rewatch" 및 "reload"와 같은 반복을 나타내는 영어 동사를 배우게 됩니다.
to reelect
to vote for someone to continue in a position of authority, especially in a political office, for another term


to reconstruct
to make or build something once again after it has been destroyed or damaged

재건하다, 재구성하다

to rediscover
to find or experience something again, especially after forgetting or losing it

다시 발견하다, 재발견하다

to reconsider
to think again about an opinion or decision, particularly to see if it needs changing or not

재고하다, 다시 생각하다

to revisit
to visit or examine something again, typically with the intention of reviewing, reassessing, or experiencing it anew

다시 방문하다, 재검토하다


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