'Be- Place- Put' 등의 배열 - 포로, 감정 및 상호 작용(보류)
"hold office" 및 "hold against"와 같은 예를 사용하여 포로, 감정 및 상호 작용을 설명하는 데 사용되는 'Hold'가 포함된 영어 배열을 살펴보세요.
to have a strong feeling of disrespect or disgust toward someone or something
to occupy an official or formal position in a government, organization, or institution, typically for a specific term or period
to ensure that an individual takes responsibility for their actions and faces consequences for their behavior or performance
to keep someone in captivity against their will as a result of what they did
to keep someone as a captive with the intention of making demands or taking advantage
to keep someone confined or restrained, limiting their freedom of movement or action
to have a negative opinion about someone because of their actions in the past
누군가에 대해 나쁜 감정을 가지다
to have a great amount of respect, admiration, or esteem for someone or something