의견 및 논쟁 - 의견과 신념
여기에서는 "disposed", "critic", "belief"와 같은 의견 및 신념과 관련된 영어 단어를 배우게 됩니다.
used to describe someone or something that perfectly matches one's tastes, values, or preferences
the typical way a person thinks or feels about something or someone, often affecting their behavior and decisions


(of a person) believing that the existence of God or supernatural is unknown and unknowable


confident in expressing one's opinions, ideas, or needs in a clear, direct, and respectful manner

자신감 있는, 단호한

to have a particular point of view that is rare and unusual among others
too confident or proud in expressing oneself, in a way that is annoying to others

자만하는, 건방진

the quality of always acting or being the same way, or having the same opinions or standards

일관성, 지속성

the presence or flow of a set of ideas, feelings, or opinions among a group of individuals


someone who evaluates and provides opinions or judgments about various forms of art, literature, performances, or other creative works

비평가, 평론가

(of a person) difficult to fully understand or get close to, often refraining from sharing their true feelings or ideas with others

깊은, 복잡한

having a strong set of beliefs and opinions that are unlikely to change

깊이 뿌리내린, 강한 확신을 갖고 있는

a person who pretends to disagree with an opinion or idea just to promote a discussion concerning a particular subject
a belief or a belief system held by an authority who proclaims it to be undeniably true and expects immediate acceptance


someone who does not provide a definite answer for a question, particularly when being asked in a poll

모르모르, 모르겠다

a set of words or actions meant to make people accept one's strong views or opinions

복음주의, 전도

a supporter of a theory, belief, idea, etc. who tries to persuade others that it is true or good in order to gain their support

이론의 지지자, 주창자