500 Meest Voorkomende Engelse Bijvoeglijke Naamwoorden - Top 451 - 475 bijvoeglijke naamwoorden
Hier vindt u deel 19 van de lijst met de meest voorkomende bijvoeglijke naamwoorden in het Engels, zoals "vast", "dom" en "slim".
happening, done, or made once every year
jaarlijks, jaarlijkse
fixed tightly in a particular position and incapable of moving or being moved
vastgeklemd, vastzittend
not recognized, familiar, or identified
onbekend, niet geïdentificeerd
showing or having enthusiasm or strong emotions about something one care deeply about
passioneel, passionele
associated with the role or actions of a president, such as decisions, behaviors, or policies
presidentieel, met de president verband houdend
limited or available to only a specific group, individual, or category
exclusief, uitsluitend
flowing freely and in the form or state of a liquid
vloeibaar, stromend
not favoring either side in a conflict, competition, debate, etc.
not capable of being seen with the naked eye
onzichtbaar, niet zichtbaar
able to think quickly and find solutions to problems
slim, vaardig
relating to Spain or its people or language
Spaans, Spaanse
concerning or influencing everyone in the world
universaal, globaal
using or having the power to decide on important matters, plans, etc. or to implement them
uitvoerend, uitvoerende
having superiority in power, influence, or importance
dominant, overheersend
having been made ready or suitable beforehand for a particular purpose or situation
voorbereid, klaar
continuing to exist all the time, without significant changes
permanent, blijvend
producing or operating by electricity
elektrisch, elektrische
making one feel embarrassed or uncomfortable
ongemakkelijk, onhandig
placed on the external side or surface
buiten, buitenkant
(of an illness) difficult to cure and long-lasting
chronisch, langdurig
(of a thing) physically divided into pieces, because of being damaged, dropped, etc.
gebroken, beschadigd