500 Meest Voorkomende Engelse Bijwoorden - Top 151 - 175 Bijwoorden
Hier vindt u deel 7 van de lijst met de meest voorkomende bijwoorden in het Engels, zoals "after", "real" en "way".
in a manner expressing the capability or likelihood of something happening or developing in the future
potentieel, mogelijk
to a specific degree, particularly when compared to other similar things
relatief, vergelijkingsgewijs
used to suggest that there is a strong chance of something happening
waarschijnlijk, hoogstwaarschijnlijk
in accordance with what is logical, typical, or expected
natuurlijk, logischerwijs
in an appropriate manner according to established standards, rules, or expectations
correct, op de juiste manier
used to introduce a result based on the information or actions that came before
dus, derhalve
in a manner that is in accordance with an exact understanding of facts, rules, etc., or their literal interpretation
technisch gezien, in strikte zin
in a way that relates to the beginning or source of something
oorspronkelijk, in eerste instantie
without deliberate thought or attention
automatisch, zonder nadenken
used to highlight the significance of a particular point, fact, or aspect
belangrijk, significant
in a careful and gentle manner while paying attention to details
delicaat, zorgvuldig