500 Vanligaste Engelska Adverb - Topp 151 - 175 adverb
Här får du del 7 av listan över de vanligaste adverben på engelska som "after", "real" och "way".
in a manner expressing the capability or likelihood of something happening or developing in the future

potentiellt, möjligtvis

to a specific degree, particularly when compared to other similar things

relativt, förhållandevis

used to suggest that there is a strong chance of something happening

troligtvis, mest troligt

in an appropriate manner according to established standards, rules, or expectations

på rätt sätt, på ett lämpligt sätt

used to introduce a result based on the information or actions that came before

så, därför

in a manner that is in accordance with an exact understanding of facts, rules, etc., or their literal interpretation

tekniskt, i strikt mening

in a way that relates to the beginning or source of something

ursprungligen, i början

used to highlight the significance of a particular point, fact, or aspect

viktigt, betydelsefullt