Boek English File - Beginner - Praktisch Engels Aflevering 4
Hier vindt u de woordenschat uit Praktisch Engels, aflevering 4 in het Engelstalige beginnerscursusboek, zoals "juli", "tweede", "april", enz.
the first month of the year, after December and before February

januari, de maand januari

the ninth month of the year, after August and before October


the tenth month of the year, after September and before November


the 11th month of the year, after October and before December


the 12th and last month of the year, after November and before January


(of a person) coming or acting before any other person

eerste, eerste van

coming or happening right after the twentieth person or thing


coming or happening right after the twenty-first person or thing

twintigste tweede, 22e

coming or happening right after the twenty-second person or thing

drieëntwintigste, 23ste

coming or happening right after the twenty-third person or thing


coming or happening right after the twenty-fourth person or thing

vijfentwintigste, 25e

coming or happening right after the twenty-fifth person or thing

zesentwintigste, de zesentwintigste

coming or happening right after the twenty-sixth person or thing

zevenentwintigste, zevenentwintigste (bijvoeglijk naamwoord)

coming or happening right after the twenty-seventh person or thing

achtentwintigste, 28ste

coming or happening right after the twenty-eighth person or thing

negenentwintigste, 29e