C2 Woordenlijst - Gewicht en stabiliteit
Hier leert u alle essentiële woorden om over gewicht en stabiliteit te praten, speciaal verzameld voor leerlingen van niveau C2.
difficult to move or control because of its large size, weight, or unsusal shape

onzijdig, ongemakkelijk

(of mood, atmosphere, etc.) feeling heavy, slow, and overwhelming

loodzwaar, benauwd

challenging to manage or move due to size, weight, or awkward shape

onkruid, log

sturdily constructed and able to endure harsh treatment or challenging environments

stevig, robust

firmly secured in one position and unable to move or change

onwankelbaar, vaststaand

displaying a sense of slowness or lack of agility due to real or perceived weight or massiveness

zwaar, traag

displaying consistent determination or resolve in the face of challenges

onwankelbaar, vastberaden

remaining steady and consistent, without showing signs of doubt or hesitation

onwankelbaar, vasthoudend