
C2 Woordenlijst - Advies en invloed

Hier leert u alle essentiële woorden om over advies en invloed te praten, speciaal verzameld voor leerlingen van niveau C2.









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CEFR C2 Vocabulary
to coax

to persuade someone to do something by being kind and gentle, especially when they may be unwilling

iemand overtuigen om iets te doen

iemand overtuigen om iets te doen

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to cajole

to persuade someone to do something through insincere praises, promises, etc. often in a persistent manner

iemand overtuigen

iemand overtuigen

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to reason with

to talk to someone to convince them to act or think more rationally

iemand overtuigen met logica

iemand overtuigen met logica

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to lure

to trick someone into doing something by offering them a reward or something interesting

iemand verleiden

iemand verleiden

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to inveigle

to trick someone into doing something through clever and cunning methods

iemand bedriegen

iemand bedriegen

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to entice

to make someone do something specific, often by offering something attractive

iemand verleiden

iemand verleiden

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to sway

to encourage someone to do or believe something

het verkrijgen van iemands steun of goedkeuring

het verkrijgen van iemands steun of goedkeuring

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to faze

to unsettle someone, often leading them to lose their confidence or peace temporarily

iemands humeur of zelfvertrouwen verpesten

iemands humeur of zelfvertrouwen verpesten

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to disconcert

to unsettle someone, causing them to become stressed or lose their confidence

iemand stress bezorgen

iemand stress bezorgen

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to champion

to support, defend, or fight for a cause, principle, or person

vechten of iemand of iets ondersteunen

vechten of iemand of iets ondersteunen

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to endorse

to publicly state that one supports or approves someone or something

iemand of iets steunen

iemand of iets steunen

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to prod

to stimulate or encourage someone to take action

iemand aanmoedigen om iets te doen

iemand aanmoedigen om iets te doen

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to exhort

to strongly and enthusiastically encourage someone who is doing something

iemand aanmoedigen

iemand aanmoedigen

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to admonish

to strongly advice a person to take a particular action

iemand adviseren

iemand adviseren

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to nobble

to persuade someone to do what one wants by threatening them or giving them money

iemand misbruiken door middel van bedrog

iemand misbruiken door middel van bedrog

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to procure

to persuade someone to give or approve something



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to ingrain

to set a particular habit, belief, attitude, etc. in someone in a lasting manner



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