Elementair 2 - Ruimtelijke Relaties & Concepten
Hier leer je enkele Engelse woorden over ruimtelijke relaties en concepten, zoals "middle", "push" en "close", voorbereid voor studenten op basisniveau.
the position that someone or something faces, points, or moves toward


a tall and often narrow building that stands alone or is part of a castle, church, or other larger buildings

toren, bastion

the part, position, or point of something that has an equal distance from the edges or sides

midden, centrum

to use your hands to move something or someone toward yourself or in the direction that your hands are moving

trekken, slepen

to use your hands, arms, body, etc. in order to make something or someone move forward or away from you

duwen, drukken

unable to be located or recovered and is no longer in its expected place

verloren, kwijt

(of a surface) continuing in a straight line with no raised or low parts

vlak, glad