Wiskunde en Logica SAT - Hoeveelheid en partitieven
Hier leer je enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met kwantiteit en partitieven, zoals "spate", "prolific", "gauge", enz. die je nodig hebt om je SAT's te halen.
the major portion or greater part of something, often referring to the size or quantity of an object or substance
massa, volume
an amount or number that is considered to be large
toename, stroom
a group of numbers, mathematical symbols or values, arranged in columns and rows
array, matrix
a group of various kinds or categories of items or people
assortiment, verscheidenheid
a number of things or people considered as a group or set
batch, groep
a large crowd of people or collection of things
een menigte, een groot aantal
a great or excessive number or amount of something
a collection of items, typically papers or stalks of grain, bound together
schoof, bundel
a small group of marine mammals that swim together, such as whales or dolphins
groep, pod
a group of people with special skills or knowledge who have been brought together to discuss, give advice, or make a decision about an issue
panel, expertgroep
a sudden and fast growth or increase in something
proliferatie, snelle groei
an unusually or even luxuriously large volume of people or things concentrated into an area
overvloed, profusie
an immeasurably large quantity
oneindigheid, onmetelijkheid
the action of calculating, counting, or estimating something
berekening, schatting
the gap between the quantity or amount that is needed or expected and what is actually available
tekort, achterstand
a rapid, unexpected, and considerable rise in something
explosie, stijging
the result obtained when one quantity considered in relation to the whole
proportie, verhouding
more than enough to meet the needs or exceed expectations
uitgebreid, voldoende
impossible to be individually counted or named due to their overwhelming quantity
ontelbaar, onbekend aantal
close to a certain quality or quantity, but not exact or precise
bij benadering, nagenoeg
not having the required amount or quality
onvoldoende, inadequaat
not enough in degree or amount
onvoldoende, tekortschietend
existing in smaller amounts than what is needed
zelden, weinig
including or considering everything or everyone in a certain situation or group
algemeen, totaal
pertaining to or involving of two distinct elements or parts
existing in great amounts or numbers
productief, overvloedig
increasing gradually as more and more is added
cumulatief, cumulatieve
containing numerous diverse parts or aspects
veelzijdig, voudig
in a manner that is only available to a particular person, group, or thing
to approximate a numerical value by adjusting it to the nearest convenient or significant digit
afronden, benaderen
to make a rough guess about quantities or time
benaderen, schatten
to control or restrict something to a specified amount or level
beperken, reguleren
to reach the highest level, point, or intensity
de piek bereiken, culmineren
to be plentiful or to exist in large quantities
overvloedig zijn, in grote hoeveelheden voorkomen
to be greater in number than someone or something else
meer zijn dan, overtreffen in aantal