Wiskunde en Logica SAT - Regelmaat en rationaliteit
Hier leer je enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met regelmaat en rationaliteit, zoals "levensvatbaar", "gewoon", "tenable", enz. die je nodig hebt om je SAT's te halen.
occurring or done as a usual part of a process or job

routine, gebruikelijk

following a pattern, especially one with fixed or uniform intervals

regelmatig, gebruikelijk

seeming to exist or appear everywhere

alomtegenwoordig, alomtegenwoordige

following the same course of action or behavior over time

consistent, constant

existing or spreading among many people, groups, or communities through communication, influence, or awareness

wijdverspreid, algemeen

widely accepted, practiced, or popular among the general public

mainstream, algemeen aanvaard

widespread and commonly found in a particular area, group, or time period

wijdverspreid, heersend

conforming to a fixed or oversimplified idea or image of a particular group or thing

stereotiep, typisch

spreading or existing throughout something, and usually unpleasant

doordringend, alomtegenwoordig

most common or widespread within a particular context or group

overheersend, dominant

following or conforming to established beliefs or accepted norms

orthodox, traditioneel

taking place every day and thus considered as an ordinary occurrence

dagelijks, gewone

relating to or suitable for a whole group or class of things rather than a specific one

generiek, algemeen

usually done because it is performed so often it has become recognized as part of the ordinary course of events

habitueel, gewoonte

familiar with something, often through repeated experience or exposure

gewend, gebruikelijk

following established customs, practices, or standards that are widely accepted or commonly used

conventioneel, traditioneel

a tendency or pattern showing how things are changing or developing over time

trend, neiging

a word or phrase that becomes popular or fashionable in a particular field or context, often used to impress or persuade others rather than for its actual meaning or value

modewoord, buzzword

in a manner that is bound to happen due to underlying circumstances

onvermijdelijk, tevens

to control or adjust something in a way that agrees with rules and regulations

reguleren, afstemmen

to make something follow a set standard or rule, ensuring it is consistent and uniform

standaardiseren, normaliseren

logical and consistent, forming a unified and clear whole, especially in arguments, theories, or policies

coherent, logisch

demonstrating sensible judgment or fairness in decision-making

redelijk, billijk

able to be defended, justified, or maintained against criticism or opposition

verdedigbaar, houdbaar

having the ability to be executed or done successfully

haalbaar, uitvoerbaar