B1 Woordenlijst - Gewone werkwoorden
Here you will learn some common English verbs, such as "require", "risk", "roll", etc. prepared for B1 learners.
to need or demand something as necessary for a particular purpose or situation
vereisen, nodig hebben
to make changes to something, especially in response to new information, feedback, or a need for improvement
herzien, aanpassen
to put someone or something important in a situation where they could be harmed, lost, or destroyed
risiceren, in gevaar brengen
to make something move by turning it over and over or from side to side repeatedly
rollen, draaien
to move in a direction by turning over and over or from one side to another repeatedly
rollen, draaien
to quickly read a document or other text without paying attention to details, only to find the information one needs
scannen, overvliegen
to divide or disconnect something from a larger whole
scheiden, verdelen
to put something or someone somewhere or in a certain position
zetten, plaatsen
to give someone a message, instruction, etc. by making a sound or movement
signalen, een signaal geven
to go under below the surface of a particular substance such as water, sand, tar, mud, etc.
zinken, ondergaan
to organize items by putting them into different groups based on their characteristics or other criteria
sorteren, indelen
to breathe through one's nose and mouth in a noisy way while asleep
snurken, snel ademen tijdens het slapen
to breathe in through the nose audibly to clear mucus or other substances from the nasal passages and prevent a runny nose
snuffelen, snuiten
to fix an object to another, usually with glue or another similar substance
plakken, bevestigen
to keep something in a particular place for later use, typically in a systematic or organized manner
op slaan, bewaren
to give a short and simplified version that covers the main points of something
samenvatten, syntheseren
to provide or make available the necessary items, resources, or equipment for a particular purpose or function
leveren, voorzien
to remain alive after enduring a specific hazardous or critical event
overleven, in leven blijven
to change from one thing, such as a task, major, conversation topic, job, etc., to a completely different one
wisselen, veranderen
to be likely to develop or occur in a certain way because that is the usual pattern
geneigd zijn, tendensen tonen
to make a person unhappy, worried, or irritated
verontrusten, kwellen
to unexpectedly open one's mouth wide and deeply breathe in because of being bored or tired
gapen, de mond openen
to make someone or something hotter by increasing the temperature or providing heat
verwarmen, opwarmen
to tell someone in advance about a possible danger, problem, or unfavorable situation
waarschuwen, inlichten
to use something without care or more than needed
verspillen, verkwisten
to raise one's hand and move it from side to side to greet someone or attract their attention
zwaaien, groeten
to want to know about something particular
zich afvragen, verwonderen
to briefly stop a particular thing such as process before carrying on
pauzeren, stopzetten
to make the intensity, level, or amount of something increase
verhogen, versterken
to send, give, or bring something back to someone or to a place
teruggeven, terugbrengen
to do something or provide a reply based on what others have done or said
reageren, antwoorden