C1 Woordenlijst - Prestatie en vooruitgang
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden over prestatie en vooruitgang, zoals "aspiratie", "boem", "triomf", enz., voorbereid voor C1-leerlingen.
a desired and impressive goal achieved through hard work
the process of improvement or progress
vooruitgang en verbetering
a valued desire or goal that one strongly wishes to achieve
hoop of verlangen
an important discovery or development that helps improve a situation or answer a problem
belangrijke ontdekking
a return by a renowned person to their former popular or successful state
weer succesvol worden
the popularity, honor, and praise that a person receives as a result of a great success or act
a great victory, success, or achievement gained through struggle
someone who reaches a high level of success, particularly in their occupation
succesvol persoon
the highest and most successful level in a profession, particularly in entertainment field
hoogste niveau van succes
to be in the lead on a list, in a league, etc. because of being better than others
anderen overtreffen
to succeed in reaching a goal, after hard work
eindelijk succes boeken
to start to be healthier, more successful, or confident
positieve veranderingen doorvoeren
to express one's good wishes or praise to someone when something very good has happened to them
to strengthen a position of power or success so that it lasts longer
het veiligstellen van iemands positie
(of a plan or action) to succeed and have good results
geweldige resultaten behalen
to grow in a successful way, especially financially
groot succes behalen
a strong desire and determination to succeed
sterke vastberadenheid
the quality of yielding the desired result
the quality of persistently trying in spite of difficulties
a strong will to have or do something of value
sterke vastberadenheid
(of a person) very successful and respected
prominente figuur
describing something that is liked or approved
having the potential of being done successfully
feeling happy and satisfied with one's life, job, etc.
considered most successful or important, particularly compared to others
beter dan anderen
producing desired results through effective and efficient use of time, resources, and effort
effectief en efficient
to fulfill expectations or standards set by oneself or others
vervullen (een belofte of verwachting)