Książka Solutions - Zaawansowany - Jednostka 5 - 5C
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z rozdziałów 5–5C z podręcznika Solutions Advanced, takie jak „przyznać”, „zapytać”, „przepraszać” itp.
to agree with the truth of something, particularly in an unwilling manner

przyznać, uznać

to provide someone with suggestion or guidance regarding a specific situation

doradzać, zarekomendować

to make plans or decisions known by officially telling people about them

ogłaszać, zapowiadać

to speak to someone often angrily because one disagrees with them

sprzeczać się, dyskutować

to talk with excessive pride about one's achievements, abilities, etc. in order to draw the attention of others

chwalić się, przechwalać się

to say that something is the case without providing proof for it

twierdzić, zaznaczać

to express your annoyance, unhappiness, or dissatisfaction about something

narzekać, skarga

to reluctantly admit that something is true after denying it first

przyznać się, uznać

to show or say that something is the case, particularly by providing proof

potwierdzić, zweryfikować

to disregard something as unimportant or unworthy of consideration

odrzucać, lekceważyć

to ask for information, clarification, or an explanation

zapytaj, zasięgnąć informacji

to give information about someone or something, especially in an official manner

informować, powiadomić

to urgently demand someone to do something or something to take place

nalegać, wymagać

to say something about someone or something, without giving much detail

wspomnieć, nazwać

to give a fact or an opinion as a reason against something

zgłaszać sprzeciw, przeciwdziałać

to carefully watch something in order gain knowledge or understanding about the subject

obserwować, patrzeć

to put forward a suggestion, plan, or idea for consideration

proponować, sugerować

to show disagreement by taking action or expressing it verbally, particularly in public

protestować, sprzeciwiać się

to suggest to someone that something is good, convenient, etc.

polecać, sugerować

to feel sad, sorry, or disappointed about something that has happened or something that you have done, often wishing it had been different

żałować, ubolewać

to make a person remember an obligation, task, etc. so that they do not forget to do it

przypominać, wspominać

to make information that was previously unknown or kept in secrecy publicly known

ujawniać, odkrywać

to say that one is willing to damage something or hurt someone if one's demands are not met

grozić, zagrozić