Książka Four Corners 1 - Część 1 Lekcja C
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z Części 1, Lekcji C w podręczniku Four Corners 1, takie jak „pseudonim”, „artysta”, „muzyk” itp.
the name we share with our parents that follows our first name

nazwisko, imię rodzinne

a familiar or humorous name given to someone that is connected with their real name, appearance, or with something they have done

pseudonim, przezwisko

a person who is employed by an artist to pose for a painting, photograph, etc.

model, manekin

someone who plays a musical instrument or writes music, especially as a profession

muzyk, muzykantka

a country located in North America that is bordered by the United States to the north


an island country in the Caribbean, known for its beaches, tourism, and vibrant culture

Barbados, Wyspa Barbados