Książka Four Corners 1 - Welcome
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z podręcznika Witamy w Four Corners 1, takie jak „jutro”, „przedstaw”, „obrazek” itp.
a word that we use to greet someone when they arrive

Witamy! Wejdź i czuj się jak u siebie.

to tell someone our name so they can know us, or to tell them someone else's name so they can know each other, normally happening in the first meeting

przedstawić, wprowadzić

a word we say when we see someone and want to greet them, or when we begin to talk on the phone

Cześć, Witaj

a word we say when we are leaving someone or when they are leaving, or at the end of a phone call

Pa! Miłego dnia!, Do widzenia! Życzę miłego dnia!

something we say when we want to greet or say hello to someone in the morning

Dzień dobry, Cześć

something we say to someone to show we are grateful to them for something that they have done for us or given us

Dziękuję, Dziękuję ci

something we say when we want to say hello or goodbye to a person in the afternoon

Dzień dobry, Cześć

something we say when we want to say hello or goodbye to a person in the evening

Dobry wieczór

collaborative effort by a team of individuals to achieve a shared objective

praca zespołowa, praca grupowa

collaborative effort between two individuals to achieve a common goal

praca w parach, współpraca w parze

something that a person spends time doing, particularly to accomplish a certain purpose

aktywnność, działalność

to examine or look for the differences between of two or more objects

porównywać, analizować

something we say, write, or do when we are replying to a question

odpowiedź, rozwiązanie

a visual representation of a scene, person, etc. produced by a camera

zdjęcie, obraz

a sentence, phrase, or word, used to ask for information or to test someone’s knowledge


to ask someone questions about a particular topic on the TV, radio, or for a newspaper

przeprowadzać wywiad, interviewować

a person we do a particular activity with, such as playing a game

partner, towarzysz

to try to act or talk like a specific character

odgrywać rolę, bawić się w rolę