Vocabulário Avançado para o GRE - A aparência pode enganar!
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre aparência, como “austero”, “opaco”, “túrgido”, etc., que são necessárias para o exame GRE.
very thin or pale in a way that is suggestive of an illness

cadavérico, esquelético

peculiar and not like what is considered suitable or appropriate for a situation

incongruente, inadequado

(of an object) blocking the passage of light and preventing objects from being seen through it


relating or belonging to the edge or outer section of something

periférico, periférica

doing something secretly in an attempt to avoid notice

surreptício, clandestino

(of speech or writing) using a serious and elevated style that makes it tedious and complicated

turgente, empolado

to capture someone's attention and interest completely, in a way that they forget about everything else

hipnotizar, cativar

the inherent qualities that one is normally characterized by

disposição, caráter

the marginal, or outer part of something, such as an area, activity, or group

borda, franja

a state in which little bumps appear on the skin and bodily hair becomes upright because of excitement, cold, or fear

pele de galinha, calafrios

a condition or situation that is similar or only appears to be similar to something

semelhança, aparência

containing what is best of various ideas, styles, methods, beliefs, etc.

eclético, variado