Advérbios de Modo Relacionados às Coisas - Advérbios de nível de detalhe
Esses advérbios mostram o quão detalhado e complexo ou curto e simples algo é. Eles incluem advérbios como "concisamente", "elaboradamente", "wordily", etc.
in a concise and clear manner without unnecessary details

sucintamente, de forma concisa

in a brief and clear manner, without unnecessary elaboration

de forma concisa, de maneira concisa

with a few words and a direct and straightforward style

de forma concisa, de maneira sucinta

in a way that efficiently captures essential details without unnecessary elaboration

em resumo, resumidamente

briefly mentioning a topic, idea, or something similar without providing extensive attention or elaboration

em passagem, de forma breve

in an overly simple or naive manner, often lacking a thorough understanding of the subject

simplisticamente, de forma simplista

in a way that includes many details, intricate elements, or thorough explanations

elaboradamente, detalhadamente

in a careful and gentle manner while paying attention to details

delicadamente, cuidadosamente

in a lengthy, wordy, and extensively detailed manner

de forma extensa, de maneira prolixa

in a manner that uses more words than necessary to convey a message

de maneira prolixa, de forma excessivamente verbosa