Avverbi di Modo Relativi alle Cose - Avverbi di livello di dettaglio
Questi avverbi mostrano quanto qualcosa sia dettagliato e complesso o breve e semplice. Includono avverbi come "concisamente", "elaboratamente", "parolamente", ecc.
in a concise and clear manner without unnecessary details

sinteticamente, in modo conciso

in a brief and clear manner, without unnecessary elaboration

concisamente, in modo conciso

with a few words and a direct and straightforward style

sinteticamente, in modo conciso

in a way that efficiently captures essential details without unnecessary elaboration

in breve, in sintesi

briefly mentioning a topic, idea, or something similar without providing extensive attention or elaboration

in passaggio, brevemente

in an overly simple or naive manner, often lacking a thorough understanding of the subject

in modo semplicistico, in maniera semplicistica

in a way that includes many details, intricate elements, or thorough explanations

elaboratamente, dettagliatamente

in a lengthy, wordy, and extensively detailed manner

in modo pomposo, in maniera prolissa

in a manner that uses more words than necessary to convey a message

in modo prolisso, in maniera verbosa