
Lista de Palavras Nível B2 - Viajando

Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre viagens, como "jet lag", "terminal", "cruise", etc. preparadas para alunos B2.









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CEFR B2 Vocabulary

economical and not expensive



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an establishment that provides vacationers with lodging, food, entertainment, etc.

alojamento recreativo

alojamento recreativo

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a place that provides travelers with temporary accommodation

acomodação temporária

acomodação temporária

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a comfortable area, often in an airport or hotel, where people can relax, wait, or socialize, typically offering seating, refreshments, and sometimes Wi-Fi

salão do hotel

salão do hotel

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the time when a guest should leave a hotel room, pay the bills, and return the key

check-out do hotel

check-out do hotel

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someone who is staying in a hotel room



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room service

a hotel service where guests can order food, drinks, or other amenities to be delivered to their room, typically from a menu provided by the hotel

serviço de quarto

serviço de quarto

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travel agency

a business that makes arrangements for people who want to travel

agência de viagem

agência de viagem

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an online ticket for a flight that can be received electronically instead of a paper ticket

Bilhete eletrônico

Bilhete eletrônico

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a person who is on vacation or holiday, typically traveling away from home for leisure or relaxation



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a short trip taken for pleasure, particularly one arranged for a group of people

curta viagem de lazer

curta viagem de lazer

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package tour

a vacation arranged by a travel agent or a company at a fixed price including the cost of transport, accommodations, etc.

passeio de viagem

passeio de viagem

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to get away

to go on vacation away from home

Indo viajar

Indo viajar

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to trek

to go for a long walk or journey, particularly in the mountains, forests, etc. as an adventure

puxar carro

puxar carro

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a narrow passage in a theater, train, aircraft, etc. that separates rows of seats

passagem estreita (entre os assentos)

passagem estreita (entre os assentos)

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the area where passengers sit in an airplane



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cabin crew

the group of people whose job is looking after the passengers on an aircraft

tripulação da cabine

tripulação da cabine

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baggage claim

the area at an airport where passengers can collect their cases, bags, etc. after they land

área de coleta de bagagem

área de coleta de bagagem

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jet lag

the confusion and tiredness one can experience after a long flight, particularly when rapidly traveling across multiple time zones

Jet lag

Jet lag

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a building where trains, buses, planes, or ships start or finish their journey

terminal (ônibus, avião, etc.)

terminal (ônibus, avião, etc.)

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main line

an important railroad line between two cities or large towns

ferrovia principal

ferrovia principal

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to cruise

to go on vacation by a ship or boat



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to delay

to arrive later than expected or planned

chegando tarde

chegando tarde

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to navigate

to travel across or on an area of water by a ship or boat

viajar (com navio ou barco)

viajar (com navio ou barco)

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a vehicle that is pulled by a car, in which people can sleep and live, used particularly for traveling and camping



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railroad crossing

a place at which a road meets a railroad, typically marked by gates, signals, or warning signs to alert drivers and pedestrians of approaching trains

ferrovia que atravessa uma estrada

ferrovia que atravessa uma estrada

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any of the separate sections within a passenger train carriage, typically enclosed by walls and equipped with seats



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rest stop

an area near a road where people can stop to eat food, rest, etc.

área de descanso na estrada

área de descanso na estrada

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gift shop

a store where small items and souvenirs are sold, suitable for giving as presents

loja de recordações

loja de recordações

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hot-air balloon

an extremely large balloon filled with heated air, which enables it to float and travel through the sky

balão de ar quente

balão de ar quente

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April Fools' Day

the 1st of April on which people in Western countries play tricks on one another and the person who is tricked is called the April Fool

Dia da mentira

Dia da mentira

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Independence Day

the 4th of July on which Americans celebrate the declaration of independence from Britain in 1776

Dia da Independência

Dia da Independência

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New Year's Eve

the evening of 31st of December, which is the last day of the year

Véspera de Ano Novo

Véspera de Ano Novo

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St. Patrick's Day

a cultural and religious holiday celebrated on the 17th of March, honoring Saint Patrick who helped establish Christianity in Ireland

Dia de São Patricio

Dia de São Patricio

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Black Friday

the day following Thanksgiving in the US, traditionally marked by massive discounts and sales events across stores, marking the beginning of the Christmas shopping season

Sexta-feira preta

Sexta-feira preta

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Mardi Gras

the day before the start of Lent, on which people in some countries begin celebrating by dancing in the streets with loud music and wearing colorful costumes



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the act or business of carrying people or goods from one place to another by different means



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