Lista de Palavras Nível C1 - Confiança e incerteza
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre confiança e incerteza, como "jogar", "subestimar", "enfraquecer", etc., preparadas para alunos C1.
to check the wellbeing, truth, or condition of someone or something

verificar, consultar

to think that something is true based on probability or likelihood

presumir, supondo

to make a decision by throwing a coin in the air and guessing which of its sides will be facing upward when it lands

lançar, jogar a moeda

to regard something or someone as smaller or less important than they really are

subestimar, menosprezar

(of a person) unsure or hesitant about the credibility or goodness of something

duvidoso, incerto

according to opinions or guesses instead of facts or evidence

especulativo, hipotético

(particularly of something bad) assumed to have happened or be the case without having any proof

suspeito, presumido

not firmly established or decided, with the possibility of changes in the future

provisório, preliminar

clearly true and therefore impossible to deny or question

incontestável, inegável

used to convey that something cannot happen under any given circumstances
the action of trying to provide an answer without having all the necessary information

suposição, estimativa

one's thoughts or expectations regarding what will happen in the future

perspectiva, expectativa

used to suggest that something is assumed to be true, often with a hint of doubt

supostamente, presumivelmente

said to mean that a good or bad event occurred by chance

por sorte, por acaso