Cartea Top Notch 2B - Unitatea 8 - Lecția 2
Aici veți găsi vocabularul din Unitatea 8 - Lecția 2 din manualul de curs Top Notch 2B, cum ar fi „artizanat”, „ulcior”, „ceramic”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
the activity or art of skillfully using one’s hand to create attractive objects

meșteșug, artizanat

the hard material that the trunk and branches of a tree or shrub are made of, used for fuel or timber


a deep round container with a handle and a curved opening, used for pouring liquids

sticlă, ceainic

covered with or made of a valuable grayish-white metal named silver

argintiu, din argint

a piece of jewelry, consisting of a chain, string of beads, etc. worn around the neck as decoration


material used for making clothes, which is made by knitting or weaving silk, cotton, etc.

țesătură, material textil

something made of leather, cloth, plastic, or paper that we use to carry things in, particularly when we are traveling or shopping

geantă, sac

created by molding clay into a desired shape and then baking the clay at a high temperature to harden it

ceramic, din ceramică

a hard material, usually made of minerals, and often used for building things

piatră, stâncă