Cartea English Result - Intermediar - Unitatea 5 - 5C
Aici veți găsi vocabularul din Unitatea 5 - 5C din manualul de cursuri de limba engleză pentru rezultate intermediare, cum ar fi „crime”, „hijack”, „arrest”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
to rob
to take something from an organization, place, etc. without their consent, or with force

jefui, fura

to steal
to take something from someone or somewhere without permission or paying for it

a fura, a sustrage

to kidnap
to take someone away and hold them in captivity, typically to demand something for their release

răpi, sechestra

to hijack
to forcefully take control of a vehicle, like an airplane, often to take hostages or change its course

a răpi, a devia


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