Cartea English Result - Intermediar avansat - Unitatea 4 - 4B
Aici veți găsi vocabularul de la Unitatea 4 - 4B din manualul de cursuri de limba engleză Rezultat Upper-Intermediate, precum „furt”, „fraud”, „drown out”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
facts or knowledge related to a thing or person
informație, date
(of law enforcement agencies) to take a person away because they believe that they have done something illegal
aresta, retenționa
the illegal act of taking something from a place or person without permission
furt, spionaj
the act of cheating in order to make illegal money
fraudă, înșelăciune
a piece of written work that has a name and is stored on a computer
document, fisier
to officially state the punishment of someone found guilty in a court of law
a condamna, a pronunța o sentință
a person's name written by them in a specific and inimitable way
an organized activity involving multiple people doing various things to achieve a common goal
operațiune, acțiune
(law) the procedure of formally asking a higher court to dismiss and reverse the decision made by a lower court
apel, contestație
a formal investigation about a matter; typically important to the public
anchetă, întrebare
an unlawful act that is punishable by the legal system
crimă, infractiune
to officially ask a higher court to review and reverse the decision made by a lower court
apelare, a face apel
a person who sees an event, especially a criminal scene
martor, observator
to make a sound or noise so loud that it covers up other sounds
acoperi, îneca