Cartea Interchange - Începător - Unitatea 7 - Partea 1
Aici veți găsi vocabularul din Unitatea 7 - Partea 1 din manualul de curs Interchange Beginner, cum ar fi „curtea”, „ghici”, „altul”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
the floor of a building which has the same level as the street level

parter, primul etaj

a building, usually next or attached to a house, in which cars or other vehicles are kept


a series of steps connecting two floors of a building, particularly built inside a building

scară, trepte

a room that has a toilet and a sink, and often times a bathtub or a shower as well

baie, toaletă

the part of a house where people spend time together talking, watching television, relaxing, etc.

living, salon

a place in a building like a house or hotel where people can clean their clothes and sheets using a washing machine and dryer, and sometimes an iron too

spălătorie, loc de spălare

the land joined to our house where we can grow grass, flowers, and other plants

curte, grădină

a small space or room built into a wall, which is used to store things and is usually shelved

dulap, cameră de depozitare

a box-like device that moves up and down and is used to get to the different levels of a building

lift, elevator

the area just inside the entrance of a public building such as a hotel, etc.

lobby, hol

a place that has a few rooms for people to live in, normally part of a building that has other such places on each floor

apartament, unitate locativă

to estimate or form a conclusion about something without sufficient information to verify its accuracy

ghici, a estima

an educational institution at the highest level, where we can study for a degree or do research

universitate, instituție de învățământ superior

a structure that has walls, a roof, and sometimes many levels, like an apartment, house, school, etc.

clădire, structură

a chair with side supports for the arms and a comfortable backrest, often used for relaxation or reading

fotoliu, scaun cu brațe

a box-shaped equipment used for cooking or heating food by either putting it inside or on top of the equipment

aragaz, sursă de căldură

a hanging piece of cloth or other materials that covers a window, opening, etc.

perdea, curtaină

a visual representation of a scene, person, etc. produced by a camera

imagine, fotografie

furniture with a usually flat surface on top of one or multiple legs that we can sit at or put things on


a low table, often placed in a living room, on which magazines, cups, etc. can be placed

masă de cafea, masă de living

a kitchen appliance that uses electricity to quickly heat or cook food

cuptor cu microunde

an electrical equipment used to keep food and drinks cool and fresh

frigider, răcitor

an object that can give light by using electricity or burning gas or oil

lampă, dispozitiv de iluminare

a comfortable seat that has a back and two arms and enough space for two or multiple people to sit on

canapea, sofă

furniture we use for working, writing, reading, etc. that normally has a flat surface and drawers

birou, masă de lucru

a piece of furniture containing several drawers, usually for keeping clothes

comodă, unitate de depozitare