Face2face - Intermediar superior - Unitatea 4 - 4C
Aici veți găsi vocabularul din Unitatea 4 - 4C din manualul de curs Face2Face Upper-Intermediate, cum ar fi „datorită”, „întrucât”, „în afară de”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
used to add a statement that contradicts what was just mentioned
cu toate acestea
used to indicate an exception or exclusion from something or someone
în afară de sora mea
used to show that something happened or is true, even though there was a difficulty or obstacle that might have prevented it
în ciuda
from a time in the past until a particular time, typically the present
din momentul în care
used to introduce a statement that is true for one thing and false for another
în vreme ce
used to say that something is happening at the same time with another
în timp ce