Animale - Cinteze și Pălci
Aici veți afla numele diferitelor tipuri de cinteze și cinteze în engleză, cum ar fi „canary”, „linnet” și „nightingale”.
Fișe de studiu
an African songbird of the finch family with yellow feathers, often kept as a pet

canar, pasăre canar

a widespread Eurasian finch with a rosy breast, a strong beak and dark wings

frunzar, pârăiaș

a small passerine of the finch family that is mainly gray and brown, the male of which has a red breast


an American bird of passage of the finch family, the male of which has yellow and black plumage

sticlărie, canarul aurit

a small Eurasian and North African finch, the male of which has a rosy-brown breast and a blueish-gray cap

frâncuș, frâncușul comun

a small songbird with a short beak that feeds on seeds and nuts and has different colors

fince, finc

a small migratory finch with a black head, orange-buff breast, and distinctive wing patterns

brambling, frunzăframe

a small European passerine bird with brownish plumage, the male of which has a beautiful nocturnal call


a small, highly social bird native to Australia, known for its distinctive black and white striped plumage and melodious song

canar zebră, fincă zebra

a small migratory bird with a distinctive white throat patch, known for its energetic flight and melodious song

pasăre cu gât alb, cântăreț migrator

a small, colorful bird species native to sub-Saharan Africa, known for their distinctively colored bills

pasăre de ceară, pasăre colorată

a songbird native to North America, known for its distinctive plumage and characteristic behavior of scratching the ground with both feet to uncover insects and seeds

towhee, cântețel

a small, migratory songbird with a round body, short bill, and distinctive plumage patterns

junco, juncos

a robust songbird with a powerful beak, known for its shy nature and preference for woodlands and forests

zburător, păstor de pădure

a small finch species that inhabits grassy environments and is known for its colorful plumage and melodic songs

frunza de iarbă, frunza safran

a finch-like bird characterized by its uniquely crossed beak, which enables it to extract seeds from conifer cones

crosbil, pasăre cu cioc încrucișat

a small finch with vibrant yellow-green plumage, known for its streaked wings, sharp bill, and melodious song


a small songbird with a yellow-green plumage, characterized by its melodious voice and frequent presence in open woodland areas


a small, black-headed bird found in tropical regions, known for its distinctive appearance, acrobatic flight, and melodic calls

pasăre de orez, pasăre cu cap negru

a small, migratory songbird with brownish plumage and red or pink markings on its chest and head

sârmă roșie, păsărele roșie

a small migratory bird with black and white plumage, known for its distinctive high-pitched song and long-distance flights during migration

pasăre migratoare cu penaj alb și negru, pasăre migrarea cu dungi negre

a small insect-eating bird with greenish-brown plumage and a distinctive repetitive song


a small, insect-eating songbird known for its melodious songs, vibrant plumage, and the habit of flitting among trees

pasăre cântătoare, vultur

a small ground-dwelling bird with olive-brown plumage, distinctive black stripes on its head, and an orange crown, known for its unique nest shape

pasăre cuptor

a small songbird known for its grayish plumage, long tail, and its ability to catch and feed on small insects, particularly gnats

captura de insecte, micul cântăreț