Adjective care Evocă un Anumit Sentiment - Adjective ale emoțiilor pozitive
Aceste adjective reflectă gama de stări emoționale pozitive care contribuie la fericire și bunăstare, precum „fericit”, „vesel”, „mulțumit” etc.
Fișe de studiu
feeling satisfied with someone or one's possessions, achievements, etc.
mândru, împlinit
feeling happy because we have what we wanted, or because something has happened the way we wanted
satisfăcut, satisfăcută
excited and happy because something has happened or is going to happen
entuziasmat, fericit
experiencing or expressing perfect happiness and contentment
fericit, împlinit
experiencing extreme happiness or great delight
extrem de fericit, entuziasmat
expressing great joy, happiness, or delight in a lively and animated manner
vesel, fericit
experiencing or expressing extreme happiness, excitement, or success
jubiliar, exultător