Boken Insight - Avancerad - Enhet 1 - 1E
Här hittar du vokabulären från Unit 1 - 1E i Insight Advanced-kursboken, som "för övrigt", "ge upphov till", "trots" osv.
used to indicate the outcome of a preceding action or situation
som ett resultat, till följd av
used to indicate the outcome that occurs due to a specific cause or event
därför, följaktligen
used to add a statement that contradicts what was just mentioned
emellertid, dock
used to introduce a statement that is true for one thing and false for another
medan, å andra sidan
used to suggest a logical conclusion based on the information or reasoning provided
därför, sålunda
used to introduce additional information or to emphasize a point
vidare, dessutom
used to show that something happened or is true, even though there was a difficulty or obstacle that might have prevented it
trots, även om
used to introduce a contrast to what has just been said
även om, fastän