Adjektiv som Beskriver Sensoriska Upplevelser - Adjektiv för musik
Dessa adjektiv beskriver kvaliteter och egenskaper hos musikaliska kompositioner och framföranden.
(of music) having a rhythmic, energetic quality with a strong, distinctive beat that encourages movement

funkig, rytmiskt

(of music) made only by instruments and without vocals

instrumental, instrumentella

having blended sounds or tones that combine in a pleasing way

harmonisk, välharmoniserad

made for or related to an orchestra, typically involving a wide range of instruments playing together

orkestral, orkestral (relaterad till en orkester)

(of a sound) having tones that clash or sound unpleasant together

dissonant, diskordant

(of music) incorporating all twelve tones of the Western musical scale, including both natural and altered pitches


having qualities that create a specific mood or emotional tone

atmosfärisk, stämningsfull