Adjektiv som Framkallar en Viss Känsla - Adjektiv för negativ reaktion
Dessa adjektiv fångar de negativa känslomässiga reaktioner som uppstår när man möter något som står i kontrast till våra önskemål och preferenser.
feeling worried or troubled about a particular situation or issue
orolig, bekymrad
feeling uncertain or not confident about something because it is not clear or easy to understand
förvirrad, osäker
feeling stressed or burdened by a lot of tasks or emotions at once
överväldigad, belastad
feeling ashamed and uncomfortable because of something that happened or was said
generad, obekväm
tired and unhappy because there is nothing to do or because we are no longer interested in something
uttråkad, ointresserad
feeling irritated and upset because of being unable to achieve something or change an unwanted situation
frustrerad, irriterad
very surprised or upset because of something unexpected or unpleasant
chockad, förvånad
feeling extremely tired physically or mentally, often due to a lack of sleep
utsliten, trött
physically or mentally dependent on a substance, behavior, or activity
beroende, missbrukande
feeling very angry or shocked about something that is unfair or wrong
upprörd, arga
feeling so shocked or surprised that one is incapable of acting in a normal way
chockad, förbluffad
not pleased or happy with something, because it is not as good as one expected
missnöjd, otillfredsställd
feeling fearful or worried, often in response to a sudden or unexpected event
aldrig, orolig
not satisfied or happy with something, because it did not meet one's expectations or hopes
besviken, besvikna