C2 Ordlista - Ålder och utseende
Här kommer du att lära dig alla viktiga ord för att prata om ålder och utseende, insamlade specifikt för elever på nivå C2.
related to the age group typically ranging from about 9 to 12 years old
barn mellan 9 och 12 år
having an age between 90 to 99 years old
personer mellan 90 och 99 år
having an age between 80 and 89 years old
personer mellan 80 och 89 år
describing someone or something that is considered past their prime or at an advanced age
gammal och skröplig
worthy of great respect and admiration due to being extremely old or aged
gammal och respektabel
characterized by physical beauty and attractiveness
mycket attraktiv
(especially of a woman) having a pleasant and attractive appearance
mycket vacker eller attraktiv
(typically of a man) having well-defined and sharply contoured facial features, often giving the impression of strength and attractiveness
(of a woman) unfashionable, unattractive, or lacking in style and elegance, often due to outdated clothing choices or a conservative appearance
kvinna med ett rörigt utseende