Beslut, Förslag och Skyldighet - Föreslå alternativ
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till att föreslå alternativ som "receptive", "tacit" och "volunteer".
the quality of being open to new ideas and suggestions

mottaglighet, öppenhet för nya idéer

the quality of being able or inclined to accept new ideas, suggestions, or perspectives

receptivitet, öppenhet

to formally present something, such as a proposal or document, to someone in authority for review or decision

lämna in, presentera

to mention an idea, proposition, plan, etc. for further consideration or possible action

föreslå, sugera

to formulate a hypothesis to explain something, often as a starting point for further investigation or study

teorisera, formulera en hypotes

the act or process of forming or presenting facts and ideas about something

teoretisering, teori

used to say that the matter that was being talked about should be done without hesitation because there is no reason to delay it any longer
used to say that even if the happening of something is unlikely, it is not impossible