Kitap English File - Orta Üstü - Ders 7A
Burada İngilizce File Upper Intermediate ders kitabındaki Ders 7A'daki "reddet", "önle", "bekle" vb. kelimeleri bulacaksınız.
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to provide someone with suggestion or guidance regarding a specific situation
tavsiyede bulunmak, fikir vermek
to speak to someone often angrily because one disagrees with them
to talk about something with someone, often in a formal manner
bir şey hakkında konuşmak
to say or show one's unwillingness to do something that someone has asked
geri çevirmek
to tell someone in advance about a possible danger, problem, or unfavorable situation
to pay attention and become aware of a particular thing or person
farkına varmak
to have a sudden or complete understanding of a fact or situation
farkına varmak, farkında olmak
to intentionally stay away from or refuse contact with someone
kaçınmak, uğramamak
to give someone something, like money, expecting them to give it back after a while
borç vermek
to use or take something belonging to someone else, with the idea of returning it
borç almak
to be important or have a great effect on someone or something
önemli olmak
to bring a type of information from the past to our mind again
to make a person remember an obligation, task, etc. so that they do not forget to do it
to think or believe that it is possible for something to happen or for someone to do something
to not leave until a person or thing is ready or present or something happens
to desire something to occur or to be true even though it is improbable or not possible
arzu etmek
to get more points, votes, etc. than the other side, in a game, race, competition, etc. and win
yenmek, mağlup etmek
to become the most successful, the luckiest, or the best in a game, race, fight, etc.
to put something or someone in a higher place or lift them to a higher position
kaldırmak, yükseltmek
to carefully place something or someone down in a horizontal position
koymak, sermek, yerleştirmek
(of a person or animal) to be in a resting position on a flat surface, not standing or sitting
to take something from someone or somewhere without permission or paying for it
to take something from an organization, place, etc. without their consent, or with force
zorla almak