Kitap Solutions - Orta Üstü - Ünite 2 - 2G
Burada Çözümler Üst-Orta düzey ders kitabındaki Ünite 2 - 2G'deki "durulama", "silme", "süpürme" vb. kelimeleri bulacaksınız.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
to clean something quickly with water, often without using soap, in order to remove dirt or other substances

suyla yıkayarak temizlemek
to place something where it should be after using it

bir kenara bırakmak, bir tarafa koymak
to adjust something to be in a suitable or desired condition for a specific purpose or use

to clean a surface by using a machine that sucks up dirt, dust, etc.

elektrik süpürgesiyle temizlemek
to clean a surface by wiping it with a handle attached to a sponge or cloth at its end

paspas çekmek
to use a heated appliance to straighten and smooth wrinkles and creases from fabric
