Genel Eğitim IELTS (Bant 5 ve Altı) - Düşünceler ve Kararlar
Burada General Training IELTS sınavı için gerekli olan Düşünceler ve Kararlar ile ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
to examine or study something in detail in order to explain or understand it

to think about something carefully before making a decision or forming an opinion

göz önünde bulundurmak
to think or believe that something is possible or true, without being sure

zannetmek, sanmak
to want or choose one person or thing instead of another because of liking them more

tercih etmek
to make or have an image of something in our mind

akılda canlandırmak, hayal etmek, düşlemek
to estimate or form a conclusion about something without sufficient information to verify its accuracy

tahmin etmek
to think too much about something, often making it more complicated than it needs to be

aşırı düşünmek, fazla düşünmek