
Bileşik Zarflar - Yer veya Kapsam

"Görüş dışı" ve "bir bakıma" gibi örneklerle yeri veya kapsamı tanımlayan İngilizce bileşik zarfları keşfedin.


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Öğrenmeye başla
Compound Adverbs
all over the place

in many different locations or scattered over an area without a specific pattern

her yerde

her yerde

out of sight

used to mean that something can no longer be seen

birinin gözünün önünde

birinin gözünün önünde

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close by

near a particular location or object

bu civarda

bu civarda

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out of bounds

in a direction or location that is beyond the established limits

belirlenen sınırların ötesinde

belirlenen sınırların ötesinde

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only just

used to convey that something has occurred or happened very recently or narrowly

son zamanlarda

son zamanlarda

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to some extent

used to indicate a partial or limited level of something

bir ölçüde

bir ölçüde

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to the extent that

used to specify the degree or extent to which one thing is influenced or determined by another thing or condition

o ölçüde

o ölçüde

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in part

used to indicate that something is true or applicable only to some extent or degree

bir dereceye kadar

bir dereceye kadar

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in some measure

indicating that something has had a partial impact or influence

bir dereceye kadar

bir dereceye kadar

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in a way

in a particular manner or fashion, often used to describe a specific aspect or perspective

bir bakıma

bir bakıma

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to a point that

used to indicate the degree or extent to which something has reached a particular level or condition

o ölçüde

o ölçüde

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within reason

staying within the bounds of rationality

aşırıya kaçmadan

aşırıya kaçmadan

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