Matematik ve Mantık SAT - Comparison
Burada, SAT sınavlarınızda başarılı olmanız için ihtiyaç duyacağınız "akin", "sarring", "disparity" vb. gibi karşılaştırmayla ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
to have a similar appearance or characteristic to someone or something else

to compare or represent something as similar to something else

benzetmek, karşılaştırmak

to differ or deviate from a standard or expected condition

değişmek, farklılık göstermek

to recognize the difference present between two people or things

farkını anlamak
to be the distinctive feature or characteristic between two things, people, etc.

ayrım yapmak
to compare two people or things so that their differences are noticeable

kıyaslamak, karşılaştırmak
the opposition between two opinions, tendencies, etc.

iki zıt nitelik veya eğilim arasındaki ilişki
a deep-rooted difference between two separate groups of people, points of view, etc.

büyük fark
lack of harmony, consistency, or compatibility between two or more elements

uyumsuzluk, tutarsızlık

a noticeable and often significant difference or inequality between two or more things

a lack of similarity between facts, reports, claims, or other things that are supposed to be alike

a specific aspect or element characterized by lack of uniformity, regularity, or harmony

tutarsızlık, eşitsizlik

able to be compared with another thing due to sharing a similar feature, nature, etc.

benzeyen, bazı hususlarda benzeşen
strikingly mismatched, conflicting, or incompatible with the surroundings or expected norms

çatışan, rahatsız edici

showing opposing ideas or opinions that do not agree, causing confusion or disagreement

çelişkili, karşıt

(of two or more things) not able to exist or work together harmoniously due to fundamental differences or contradictions
