B1 Düzeyi Kelime Listesi - Sinema ve Tiyatro
Burada B1 öğrencileri için hazırlanmış "aksiyon filmi", "eleştirmen", "animasyon" vb. sinema ve tiyatro ile ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
a movie with many exciting scenes involving fights, chases, and explosions

aksiyon filmi
a meeting during which actors, singers, or dancers show their skills and abilities in front of casting directors, producers, or other decision-makers to be considered for a role in a production

test (oyunculuk, şarkıcılık)
a well-known and highly respected piece of writing, music, or movie that is considered valuable and of high quality

someone who evaluates and provides opinions or judgments about various forms of art, literature, performances, or other creative works

the process or action of evaluating and giving personal reviews of a work of art

eleştiri yapma
to give instructions to actors and organize the scenes or flow of a movie, play, etc.

to choose and arrange the parts that are crucial to the story of a movie, show, etc. and cut out unnecessary ones

yayına hazırlamak
the person who is in charge of arranging or removing the scenes of a movie, show, etc.

providing amusement, often through humor, drama, or skillful performance

an event during which a wide range of new movies from different countries are shown to the public

film festivali
to provide money for and be in charge of the making of a movie, play, etc.

üretmek, meydana getirmek, ortaya koymak
a dramatic genre characterized by exaggerated emotions, intense conflicts, etc., often trying to create strong emotional reactions in the audience

any theatrical performance that combines singing, dancing, and acting to tell a story

müzikal gösteri
someone whose job is to write the story of a movie, play, TV show, etc.

senarist, senaryo yazarı
techniques used in movies and other media to create cool visuals or sounds using computers or filmmaking tricks to add excitement

özel efektler
a selection from different parts of a movie, TV series, games, etc. shown before they become available to the public
