an official rule or order that is imposed by the law or someone with authority

розпорядження, нормативний акт

military materials such as weapons, ammunition, and equipment

військові матеріали, боєприпаси

a statement or gesture confirming receipt or recognition of something or someone

визнання, подяка

disagreement or conflict within a group expected to collaborate

розбіжність, конфлікт

to give or have opinions that differ from those officially or commonly accepted

незгоджуватися, протестувати

differing from and disagreeing with the views of the majority

незгідний, інакомислячий

having or expressing a different opinion, especially one that goes against the majority

диссидентський, протестний

a facility within an institution, such as a school or hospital, where medical treatment and care are provided to patients who are ill or injured

лікарня, медичний пункт

the state of being weak and unhealthy, especially due to old age or sickness

немічність, слабкість

(grammar) describing words that are indicating the presence of more than one person or thing

to praise highly, especially in a formal speech or writing

вшановувати, прославляти

a speech or written tribute, especially one commemorating someone who has died

есе про померлого, некролог

an individual who acts according to the belief that pursuing pleasure is of the highest importance in life
